Wednesday, June 30, 2010

.Pure Beauty.

Well another beautiful day has gone by and I only wish I could convey what I experienced today into words eloquently enough to give it justice. Bear with me as I try to explain the many events of the day.

Today we went to St. Paul's Cathedral. One Word: Miraculous. As I walked up to the cathedral my mind went wild. How do people build such a huge building? Who was the architect? How long did it take to build this? When was it built? How do people come up with plans for such a building? How does someone sculpt such astounding sculptures? There is so much detail! This is a massive cathedral! Look how big those doors are!..... I stared in amazement for a while and then realized I needed to catch up with my picture taking. As I walked inside my mind did not calm down. In fact it only got worse. I had a hard time paying attention to anyone around me. We were able to look around for a while and then we started our tour. We went everywhere in the cathedral and learned about absolutely everything. Every sculpture, painting, detail, flags, altars, stained glass windows, the astonishing mosaics, the list goes on… We even got to go down to the crypt where we saw the graves of many historical men. Including John Donne and the Duke of Wellington. After the tour, we started the long journey up the 500 steps to the top of the dome. I made it to the top, despite my knees complaining, and once again my breath was taken away. The view is practically better than the one you can see by going on the London eye! It is beautiful! You can see for miles off into the distance. Don’t tell, but I added my name to the many, many names on one of the walls. Is that really bad? I felt horrible for doing it. I try to justify it by reminding myself that I wrote it really small and it won’t make a difference since there were so many others. I’m sure I was wrong for doing it but I guess there is nothing to be done now.

Next we went to the Museum of London. I don’t think I had ever been there before so it was quite interesting. We were there for a couple hours and we were all pretty tired by the end. I think I would like to go back there another time when I am not already…. pooped out—for lack of a better term. But we did have fun looking at the clothing styles of different time periods.

So a couple of girls and I did something pretty courageous after this. We went to Primark. I know, I know, you are wondering why on earth would you choose to go to the most chaotic, biggest, most crowded store in London? Well because it’s amazing, that’s why! It is huge, most everything is cute, and it is all SO cheap! It is a treat. Except the chaotic-ness of it does bring it down a notch on my marvelous meter. We only had a little while before dinner so we did not stay long. I didn’t get to look through more than half the store so I will definitely be taking a trip back there some time. It is just one of the many treasures of London. ;)

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